Врачи бездвижно наблюдали, как малыш самостоятельно вылезает из мамы. Через миг все были поражены

5_resultРождение ребенка — одно из самых важных событий в жизни любой женщины. Однако в случае кесарева сечения магия, любовь и близость этого волшебного ритуала заметно теряются.

Врачи одной из американских клиник с недавнего времени начали практиковать «естественное» кесарево сечение, благодаря которому малыш практически самостоятельно появляется на свет, медленно выталкиваясь из маминого живота.

Врачи даже держали для зеркало, чтобы мать смогла увидеть каждое движение своего ребенка.

Такую альтернативу, к сожалению, пока практикуют не все больницы. Будем надеяться, что в будущем эта процедура станет более доступной для большего количества матерей.

A friend had the most gorgeous gentle cesarean yesterday-it was quite a journey because her local hospital refused to entertain any of her wishes, so she had to move to another hospital where she found the most supportive consultant, who not only agreed to support all her wishes but filmed the birth to use it to educate other health pros. I especially loved watching the baby walking himself out of the womb. The mum also told me that someone stood holding a mirror for her and that the anaesthetist lifted her shoulders so she could see better. They also waited until the cord had finished pulsating before clamping it. For me this really shows how it isn’t how the baby is born but how the people present respect wishes and demonstrate support and kindness that makes a beautiful birth. The mother has kindly agreed for me to share the video so other women can have such a beautiful experience too.
The official hospital film should be released in a week or 2. There you can watch so much more. These were the mother’s wishes:
* no drapes
* walking out of the baby to help clear lungs
* delivery to chest if cord allowed
* cord left to stop pulsing before cutting
* no weighing or measuring until family ready
* baby to stay on mum until she was ready to part (it was 6 hours). Even when pat sliding to transfer.
* own music
* lights reduced
On top of that, the anaesthetist lifted the mother’s shoulders, and someone held a mirror to help view the birth.

Read more about gentle cesareans here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2613254/

Опубликовано Sophie Messager 26 июля 2016 г.


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